EuroStop is Halmstad's biggest mall. It is similar to American malls, with a few differences such as a grocery store at the entrance. Remember that yellow and green sign from an earlier post? It's System Bolaget, the over-priced, state-run liquor store. The prices have led some Swedes to buy their liquor in Denmark or Germany. Overall, Eurostop is a really nice mall. There's a hotel next to it, in case any of you shop till you drop types come visit me here.

I didn't recognize this coffee shop to be an American chain (no Starbucks in Sweden thus far) but for some reason their whole menu was in English. This is perhaps due to having a lot of tourists from other European countries. English is used as a common denominator language.

I didn't recognize this coffee shop to be an American chain (no Starbucks in Sweden thus far) but for some reason their whole menu was in English. This is perhaps due to having a lot of tourists from other European countries. English is used as a common denominator language.

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