Monday, October 24, 2005

Halmstad University Library

Here's a link to the Halmstad University library, where I am right now.

If this doesn't present as a link, just copy and paste it into your browser.

There's pictures on the site from the "hurricane" that struck last January 8th. Peter had told me about this storm (is it possible that hurricane is the right word for it or is that the closest the Swedes could get by way of translation?). I saw the effects of it myself when Erik and I took a walk in the countryside from Peter's house Sunday. Whole areas of forest were wiped out. The area is still beautiful, but it must have been incredible when all the trees were there. On the walk we saw, from a distance, six deer in a row. At first they were walking, then running. It looked like they were playing follow the leader.
Erik said he has seen moose on this walk, and that it's not out of the realm of possibility to see a boar.


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